Gok Wan, the makeover maestro, is heading out on the road again with a series of unmissable fashion and style masterclasses – Gok Wan One Size Fits All – The Style and Body Confidence Masterclass. Taking place at hotels around the UK from 14 September 2019, the events follow on from the overwhelming success of Gok’s Fashion Brunch Club and the subsequent 2018 debut of his One Size Fits All masterclasses in 2018.
With 98.2% of women going to extreme measures to reach an unobtainable body image, Gok is here to help us feel good in our own skin. With his comprehensive masterclass, trend analysis, underwear demonstration, and catwalk shows, Gok’s mission is for guests to feel totally inspired and uplifted.
“Body Confidence is not about waking up and loving every part of you… it’s about waking up and not hating any part of you.” Gok Wan
www.gokfashion.com Facebook @gokonesizefitsall / Instagram @gokonesizefitsall / #OneSizeFitsAll / #OSFA